Rise and Thrive




I guess I'm used to feeling divided as a country, but now even small communities are shouting slanders at each other online and posting so called reputable sources with completely contrasting stances. It's hard to know what to believe and it's hard not to feel attacked or attack. I posted something on FB a few weeks ago, asking how I could kindly request my fellow hikers to wear a mask. In one hour I received 110 comments, debating everything from herd immunity to the economy to how long we should be quarantine. Literally I just wanted a kind way to remind people we are asked to wear masks unless 6' apart. It was horrible. I deleted it. Then I sat on my roof and cried. 

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If we are to stay sane, helpful, and kind during this unknown time period, we need to do it from an embodied place. This is where sanity lies, generosity is fostered, and imagination knows no bounds! Here, in the present moment, at home, in our bodies. 

Click HERE for a dropbox link to a recorded body scan and compassion practice meditation.
Enjoy! And I hope to dance with you virtually soon!

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